Assume we have communication system between transmit and receive over wireless channel.
The Friis path loss model is given by the following equation
$$P_r = P_t G_t G_r (\frac{\lambda}{4\pi D})^2$$
Where $P_{r(t)}$ is the received (transmit) power, $G_{t(r)}$ is the gain of the antennas at transmitter (receive) and $\lambda $ is the signal wavelength while $D$ is the distance between transmit receive ends.
In theoretical (academia) and simulation scenarios (for example MATLAB)I have come across examples wireless channel where a power delay profile is defined, that is time of arrival (TOA) of rays versus amplitude of those rays. For example, assume I have five rays arriving and delay spread $40 ns$ with amplitude
$$channel= [ 0.5+i0.5, 0.3+i0.3, 0.2+i0.2, 0.1+i 0.1, 0.3 ] $$
$$TOA= [0, 10*10^{-9} , 20*10^{-9}, 30*10^{-9} , 40*10^{-9}]$$
My simple question is: How are the two concepts related??