The Kalman filter algorithm works as follows
Initialize $ \hat{\textbf{x}}_{0|0}$ and $\textbf{P}_{0|0}$.
At each iteration $k=1,\dots,n$
Predicted (a priori) state estimate $$ \hat{\textbf{x}}_{k|k-1} = \textbf{F}_{k}\hat{\textbf{x}}_{k-1|k-1} + \textbf{B}_{k} \textbf{u}_{k} $$ Predicted (a priori) estimate covariance $$ \textbf{P}_{k|k-1} = \textbf{F}_{k} \textbf{P}_{k-1|k-1} \textbf{F}_{k}^{\text{T}} + \textbf{Q}_{k}$$ Update
Innovation or measurement residual $$ \tilde{\textbf{y}}_k = \textbf{z}_k - \textbf{H}_k\hat{\textbf{x}}_{k|k-1}$$ Innovation (or residual) covariance $$\textbf{S}_k = \textbf{H}_k \textbf{P}_{k|k-1} \textbf{H}_k^\text{T} + \textbf{R}_k$$ Optimal Kalman gain $$\textbf{K}_k = \textbf{P}_{k|k-1}\textbf{H}_k^\text{T}\textbf{S}_k^{-1}$$ Updated (a posteriori) state estimate $$\hat{\textbf{x}}_{k|k} = \hat{\textbf{x}}_{k|k-1} + \textbf{K}_k\tilde{\textbf{y}}_k$$ Updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance $$\textbf{P}_{k|k} = (I - \textbf{K}_k \textbf{H}_k) \textbf{P}_{k|k-1}$$
The Kalman gain $K_k$ represents the relative importance of the error $\tilde{\textbf{y}}_k$ with respect to the prior estimate $\hat{\textbf{x}}_{k|k-1}$.
I wonder how to understand the formula for the Kalman gain $K_k$ intuitively? Consider the case when the states and outputs being scalar, why is the gain bigger, when
$\textbf{P}_{k|k-1}$ is bigger
$\textbf{H}_k$ is bigger
$\textbf{S}_k$ is smaller?
Thanks and regards!