I have two splited images from diference matlab files. Now i need to merge them, near to each other. I tried supblot, imadd,cat methods, but nothing works. Please help me.
rezult after sublot experiment.
Not exactly sure what you want to do.
If you want to put both images into one matrix, then you could do something like:
% just some sample data
img1 = repmat(0:0.01:1,100,1);
img2 = repmat(1:-0.015:0,120,1);
% create new image with enough space next to each other
newImage = zeros(max(size(img1,1),size(img2,1)),size(img1,2)+size(img2,2));
newImage(1:size(img1,1),1:size(img1,2)) = img1;
newImage(1:size(img2,1),size(img1,2) + (1:size(img2,2))) = img2;
% visualize