I am trying to implement BPSK demodulator in FPGA. First, I am modeling the system in MATLAB. Now, I am trying to design Costas Loop for carrier synchronization. This is the block diagram I'm trying to achieve:
I'm using RRC as a low pass filter. This is the MATLAB code:
load RRC.mat
fc = 0.05; % 0.11 %0.09
N = length(rf_signal);
bb = zeros(1, N);
bb_f = zeros(1, N);
I_f = zeros(1, N);
Q_f = zeros(1, N);
I_r = zeros(1, N);
Q_r = zeros(1, N);
error = zeros(1, N);
PhErr = zeros(1, N);
error_integral = zeros(1, N);
Theta = zeros(1, N);
% Loop Filter Coefficients
BW = 100; % Hz
loop_theta = 2*pi*BW;
C1 = 4*(loop_theta)^2/(1+sqrt(2)*loop_theta+loop_theta^2);
C2 = 2*sqrt(2)*loop_theta/(1+sqrt(2)*loop_theta+loop_theta^2);
for i = 2:N
% Downconverting to Baseband
bb(i) = rf_signal(i).*exp(j*2*pi*fc*i).*exp(j*Theta(i-1));
% Filtering
bb_f = filter(RRC, bb(1:i));
I_f(i) = real(bb_f(i));
Q_f(i) = imag(bb_f(i));
% Error
error(i) = I_f(i).*Q_f(i);
% Loop Filter
error_integral(i) = error(i).*C1 + error_integral(i-1);
PhErr(i) = error(i).*C2 + error_integral(i);
% Phase Accumulator
Theta(i) = Theta(i-1) + PhErr(i);
figure; subplot 221; plot(real(bb)); title('I Channel')
subplot 222; plot(imag(bb)); title('Q Channel')
subplot 223; plot(I_f); title('I Channel Filter')
subplot 224; plot(Q_f); title('Q Channel Filter')
figure; subplot 311; plot(error); title('Phase Error');
subplot 312; plot(PhErr); title('Loop Filter');
subplot 313; plot(Theta); title('Control Signal \theta');
comes from another script that generates BPSK signal.
However, when I close the loop and set frequency exactly as the transmitter's I get these waveforms:
Although the signal demodulates very well when I open the loop. I have tested the loop with a cosine wave and it works just fine by producing a DC signal.
Any advice would be appreciated.