Weighed overlap add Filterbank structure is often used in speech coding. (https://www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Filtering_Hearing_Ai.pdf)
I have basic question with respect to analysis.
what is the difference conceptually between:
a) direct analysis: e.g La=R=N1=256 This includes:
- extract R=La samples of frame from speech
- window it with window of length R=N1
- compute its R=N1, point FFT
b) WOLA( let La=256 = 8*32=>k=8,N1=32, R=16 . the diagram for this is:
1.Extract R samples of speech( R'<'N1)
2. Put these into FIFO of length La= k*N1
3. window this by window of length La samples
4. divide the buffer into k buffers, each of length N1
5. add the buffers
6. compute (block_no)mod(R) circular shift of buffer
7. compute N1 point FFT
If the input was a delta function, after analysis, what would be the difference in frequency response of the system(or the window) and what advantage we get by doing WOLA?
thanks for any help that i can get