I'm learning some basics of image processing. Recently I've read about image filtering and two-dimensional Fourier transform, because I'm preparing for exam. And I have one question I don't know answer for: is it possible to do filtering in frequency domain (by using Fourier transform), which in spatial domain is implemented by computing magnitude of gradient of the image?
I know that gradient operator is defined: $$ \nabla f \equiv grad(f) = \begin{bmatrix}g_{x} \\ g_{y}\end{bmatrix} $$ and the magnitude of gradient: $$ M(x,y) = \sqrt{g_{x}^{2} + g_{y}^{2}} $$ In spatial domain we can use gradient to find edges. High frequencies are responsible for edges. High frequency means the rate of change is high, thus gradient has high value.
But can we do similar thing in frequency domain? Has the magnitude of gradient operator any equivalent in frequency domain?