From the textbook Signals and Systems by Oppenheimer ...
If we define $h_k[n]$ to be the impulse response to $\delta[n-k]$, then for the system to be time-invariant, we must have
$$h_k[n] = h_0[n-k]$$
I don't understand how the last equation follows. By definition of time-invariance, if the input is shifted by $k$ units, the output is shifted by $k$ units. From the given definition of $h_k[n]$, $h_0[n]$ is the impulse response to $\delta[n]$. Shouldn't the time-invariance property read
$$h_k[n] = h_0[n]$$
EDIT: The text goes on to add:
Since $\delta[n-k]$ is the time-shifted version of $\delta[n]$, $h_k[n]$ is the time-shifted version of $h_0[n]$
But saying it is the time-shifted version does not mean equivalance. What gives?