
I'm trying to implement the Iterative Hard Thresholding recovery algorithm for compressive sensing in python. It is a very simple algorithm, given $ \mathbf{y}( = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}), \mathbf{A}$, we start with $\mathbf{x}^{[0]}=0$ and update the estimate of $\mathbf{x}$ iteratively with,

$\begin{equation} \mathbf{x}^{[n+1]} = \mathbf{H}_{s}( \mathbf{x}^{[n]} + \mathbf{A}^{T}(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{Ax}^{[n]})) \end{equation}$

where $\mathbf{H}_{s}(\mathbf{a})$ is the Hard thresholding operator which sets all but $s$ largest magnitude components of $\mathbf{a}$ to zero. $\mathbf{A}$ is the measurement matrix.

from pylab import *

def largestElement(x, n):
    # returns the nth largest element of the vector x
    N = x.shape[0]
    if n > N:
        n = N
    elif n < 1:
        n = 1
    t = np.sort(x)[::-1]
    return t[n-1] # python index starts at 0

# Soft thresholding function
def softThreshold(x, threshold):
    j = np.abs(x) <= threshold
    x[j] = 0
    j = np.abs(x) > threshold
    x[j] = x[j] - np.sign(x[j])*threshold
    return x

# Hard thresholding function
def hardThreshold(x, threshold):
    j = np.abs(x) < threshold
    x[j] = 0
    return x

def reconstructIHT(A, y, s, Its=500, tol=0.001, x=0, verbose=False):
    # recovers a sparse vector x from y using Iterative Hard thresholding Algorithm
    # xhat = reconstructIHT(A, t, T, tol, x, verbose)
    #  Arguments:
    #       A - measurement matrix
    #       y - measurements
    #       s - sparsity level require in reconstruction
    #       Its - max number of iterations (optional)
    #       tol - stopping criteria (optional)
    #       x - original vector used to print progress of MSE (optional)
    #       verbose - print progress (optional)

    # Length of original signal
    N = A.shape[1]

    # Length of measurement vector
    n = A.shape[0]

    # Initial estimate
    xhat = np.zeros(N)

    # Initial residue
    r = y

    for t in xrange(Its):
        # Pre-threshold value
        gamma = xhat + np.dot(A.T, r)

        # Find the s-th largest coefficient of gamma
        threshold = largestElement(np.abs(gamma), s)

        # Estimate the signal (by hard thresholding)
        xhat = hardThreshold(gamma, threshold)

        # Compute error, print and plot
        if verbose:
            err = np.mean((x-xhat)**2)
            print "iter# = "+str(t) + " MSE = " + str(err)

        # update the residual
        r = y - np.dot(A, xhat)

        # Stopping criteria
        if np.linalg.norm(r)/np.linalg.norm(y) < tol:

    return xhat

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 2000 # signal length
    n = 400  # Number of measurements
    k = 50   # Number of non-zero elements

    T = 200 # Number of iterations

    tol = 0.0001 # Tolerance

    # Generate problem instance
    A = np.random.randn(n,N)
    # normalize to columns to have unit norm
    A = A/np.sqrt(np.sum(A**2, axis=0))

    # Sparse signal x[i] in {+1, -1, 0}
    x = np.sign(np.random.rand(k)-0.5)
    x = np.append(x, np.zeros(N-k))
    x = x[np.random.permutation(np.arange(N))]

    # Generate measurements
    y = np.dot(A, x)

    # Reconstruct using IHT
    xiht = reconstructIHT(A, y, k, T, tol, x=x, verbose=True)

    print "All Close xiht and x :" + str(np.allclose(xiht, x))

    erriht = np.mean((xiht-x)*(xiht-x))     
    print "Mean Squared Error AMP: " + str(erriht)

Even with this simple algorithm, the output MSE is diverging from the first iteration itself. I'm getting the following output while executing the above script

$ python iht.py 
iter# = 0 MSE = 0.0212064839901
iter# = 1 MSE = 0.0343619834319
iter# = 2 MSE = 0.0699223575979
iter# = 3 MSE = 0.142079696301
iter# = 4 MSE = 0.412376685514
iter# = 5 MSE = 1.15243885539
iter# = 6 MSE = 4.01798792918
iter# = 7 MSE = 14.2079757137
iter# = 8 MSE = 53.368135365
iter# = 9 MSE = 203.594951636
iter# = 10 MSE = 802.066963904
iter# = 11 MSE = 3191.3320412
iter# = 12 MSE = 12906.9426382
iter# = 13 MSE = 53269.0355341
iter# = 14 MSE = 224943.846986
iter# = 15 MSE = 973665.201472
iter# = 16 MSE = 4257382.86503
iter# = 17 MSE = 18692796.3866
iter# = 18 MSE = 82371037.4764
iter# = 19 MSE = 364100534.649
iter# = 20 MSE = 1613521353.98
iter# = 21 MSE = 7168116403.28
iter# = 22 MSE = 31928645804.5
iter# = 23 MSE = 142615155018.0
iter# = 24 MSE = 637897124776.0
iter# = 25 MSE = 2.85545575893e+12
iter# = 26 MSE = 1.27824446331e+13
iter# = 27 MSE = 5.72207134294e+13
iter# = 28 MSE = 2.56149013357e+14
iter# = 29 MSE = 1.14665325897e+15
iter# = 30 MSE = 5.13300318342e+15
iter# = 31 MSE = 2.29779329081e+16
iter# = 32 MSE = 1.02860914392e+17
iter# = 33 MSE = 4.60457768293e+17
iter# = 34 MSE = 2.06124316181e+18
iter# = 35 MSE = 9.22717274943e+18
iter# = 36 MSE = 4.13055182075e+19
iter# = 37 MSE = 1.84904507664e+20
iter# = 38 MSE = 8.27726619554e+20
iter# = 39 MSE = 3.70532533453e+21
iter# = 40 MSE = 1.65869207421e+22
iter# = 41 MSE = 7.42514934227e+22
iter# = 42 MSE = 3.32387449197e+23
iter# = 43 MSE = 1.48793527633e+24
iter# = 44 MSE = 6.66075506727e+24
iter# = 45 MSE = 2.98169273705e+25
iter# = 46 MSE = 1.33475731931e+26
iter# = 47 MSE = 5.97505262467e+26
iter# = 48 MSE = 2.67473744861e+27
iter# = 49 MSE = 1.19734852032e+28
iter# = 50 MSE = 5.3599409537e+28
iter# = 51 MSE = 2.39938217983e+29
iter# = 52 MSE = 1.07408549733e+30
iter# = 53 MSE = 4.80815297065e+30
iter# = 54 MSE = 2.15237381444e+31
iter# = 55 MSE = 9.63511990024e+31
iter# = 56 MSE = 4.31316971379e+32
iter# = 57 MSE = 1.9307941336e+33
iter# = 58 MSE = 8.64321655241e+33
iter# = 59 MSE = 3.86914332666e+34
iter# = 60 MSE = 1.73202533935e+35
iter# = 61 MSE = 7.75342633463e+35
iter# = 62 MSE = 3.47082797006e+36
iter# = 63 MSE = 1.55371912724e+37
iter# = 64 MSE = 6.95523704191e+37
iter# = 65 MSE = 3.11351784638e+38
iter# = 66 MSE = 1.39376894293e+39
iter# = 67 MSE = 6.23921866557e+39
iter# = 68 MSE = 2.79299160412e+40
iter# = 69 MSE = 1.25028509479e+41
iter# = 70 MSE = 5.59691198477e+41
iter# = 71 MSE = 2.50546246579e+42
iter# = 72 MSE = 1.12157242861e+43
iter# = 73 MSE = 5.02072862715e+43
iter# = 74 MSE = 2.24753348998e+44
iter# = 75 MSE = 1.00611030066e+45
iter# = 76 MSE = 4.50386141788e+45
iter# = 77 MSE = 2.01615743902e+46
iter# = 78 MSE = 9.0253461236e+46
iter# = 79 MSE = 4.040203958e+47
iter# = 80 MSE = 1.80860077815e+48
iter# = 81 MSE = 8.09621694534e+48
iter# = 82 MSE = 3.6242784819e+49
iter# = 83 MSE = 1.6224113809e+50
iter# = 84 MSE = 7.26273850647e+50
iter# = 85 MSE = 3.25117114157e+51
iter# = 86 MSE = 1.45538955896e+52
iter# = 87 MSE = 6.51506388346e+52
iter# = 88 MSE = 2.91647395326e+53
iter# = 89 MSE = 1.30556207463e+54
iter# = 90 MSE = 5.84435986066e+54
iter# = 91 MSE = 2.61623272035e+55
iter# = 92 MSE = 1.17115882838e+56
iter# = 93 MSE = 5.24270257235e+56
iter# = 94 MSE = 2.34690031754e+57
iter# = 95 MSE = 1.05059194652e+58
iter# = 96 MSE = 4.7029838883e+58
iter# = 97 MSE = 2.10529478424e+59
iter# = 98 MSE = 9.42437021644e+59
iter# = 99 MSE = 4.2188274365e+60
iter# = 100 MSE = 1.888561732e+61
iter# = 101 MSE = 8.45416284324e+61
iter# = 102 MSE = 3.78451327108e+62
iter# = 103 MSE = 1.69414062215e+63
iter# = 104 MSE = 7.58383507211e+63
iter# = 105 MSE = 3.39491029547e+64
iter# = 106 MSE = 1.51973451488e+65
iter# = 107 MSE = 6.80310463229e+65
iter# = 108 MSE = 3.04541564231e+66
iter# = 109 MSE = 1.36328293268e+67
iter# = 110 MSE = 6.10274777838e+67
iter# = 111 MSE = 2.73190029404e+68
iter# = 112 MSE = 1.22293751727e+69
iter# = 113 MSE = 5.47449031869e+69
iter# = 114 MSE = 2.45066030163e+70
iter# = 115 MSE = 1.09704019267e+71
iter# = 116 MSE = 4.91090986188e+71
iter# = 117 MSE = 2.19837302522e+72
iter# = 118 MSE = 9.84103576307e+72
iter# = 119 MSE = 4.40534812697e+73
iter# = 120 MSE = 1.97205787958e+74
iter# = 121 MSE = 8.8279340663e+74
iter# = 122 MSE = 3.95183228069e+75
iter# = 123 MSE = 1.76904112077e+76
iter# = 124 MSE = 7.91912779867e+76
iter# = 125 MSE = 3.54500437301e+77
iter# = 126 MSE = 1.58692425784e+78
iter# = 127 MSE = 7.10388009477e+78
iter# = 128 MSE = 3.18005803689e+79
iter# = 129 MSE = 1.42355571646e+80
iter# = 130 MSE = 6.3725594136e+80
iter# = 131 MSE = 2.85268170471e+81
iter# = 132 MSE = 1.27700541968e+82
iter# = 133 MSE = 5.71652574905e+82
iter# = 134 MSE = 2.55900767029e+83
iter# = 135 MSE = 1.14554198548e+84
iter# = 136 MSE = 5.12802855471e+84
iter# = 137 MSE = 2.29556639488e+85
iter# = 138 MSE = 1.02761227186e+86
iter# = 139 MSE = 4.600115177e+86
iter# = 140 MSE = 2.05924551711e+87
iter# = 141 MSE = 9.21823027591e+87
iter# = 142 MSE = 4.12654871475e+88
iter# = 143 MSE = 1.84725308281e+89
iter# = 144 MSE = 8.2692443197e+89
iter# = 145 MSE = 3.70173433491e+90
iter# = 146 MSE = 1.65708456014e+91
iter# = 147 MSE = 7.4179532917e+91
iter# = 148 MSE = 3.32065317374e+92
iter# = 149 MSE = 1.48649325045e+93
iter# = 150 MSE = 6.65429982602e+93
iter# = 151 MSE = 2.97880304275e+94
iter# = 152 MSE = 1.33346374517e+95
iter# = 153 MSE = 5.96926192891e+95
iter# = 154 MSE = 2.67214523867e+96
iter# = 155 MSE = 1.19618811531e+97
iter# = 156 MSE = 5.35474639068e+97
iter# = 157 MSE = 2.39705682923e+98
iter# = 158 MSE = 1.07304455213e+99
iter# = 159 MSE = 4.80349317052e+99
iter# = 160 MSE = 2.1502878509e+100
iter# = 161 MSE = 9.62578206651e+100
iter# = 162 MSE = 4.30898962448e+101
iter# = 163 MSE = 1.92892291303e+102
iter# = 164 MSE = 8.63484001741e+102
iter# = 165 MSE = 3.86539356356e+103
iter# = 166 MSE = 1.73034675467e+104
iter# = 167 MSE = 7.74591213587e+104
iter# = 168 MSE = 3.46746423252e+105
iter# = 169 MSE = 1.55221334723e+106
iter# = 170 MSE = 6.94849640477e+106
iter# = 171 MSE = 3.11050039436e+107
iter# = 172 MSE = 1.39241817794e+108
iter# = 173 MSE = 6.23317195446e+108
iter# = 174 MSE = 2.79028478869e+109
iter# = 175 MSE = 1.24907338653e+110
iter# = 176 MSE = 5.59148776233e+110
iter# = 177 MSE = 2.50303430795e+111
iter# = 178 MSE = 1.12048546167e+112
iter# = 179 MSE = 5.01586281026e+112
iter# = 180 MSE = 2.24535530286e+113
iter# = 181 MSE = 1.00513523332e+114
iter# = 182 MSE = 4.49949652055e+114
iter# = 183 MSE = 2.01420348897e+115
iter# = 184 MSE = 9.01659924941e+115
iter# = 185 MSE = 4.03628841225e+116
iter# = 186 MSE = 1.80684798073e+117
iter# = 187 MSE = 8.08837053258e+117
iter# = 188 MSE = 3.62076602847e+118
iter# = 189 MSE = 1.6208390281e+119
iter# = 190 MSE = 7.25569985564e+119
iter# = 191 MSE = 3.24802028347e+120
iter# = 192 MSE = 1.45397907463e+121
iter# = 193 MSE = 6.50874983818e+121
iter# = 194 MSE = 2.91364746545e+122
iter# = 195 MSE = 1.30429679493e+123
iter# = 196 MSE = 5.83869582521e+123
iter# = 197 MSE = 2.61369721e+124
iter# = 198 MSE = 1.17002380499e+125
iter# = 199 MSE = 5.23762163039e+125
All Close xiht and x :False
Mean Squared Error AMP: 5.23762163039e+125

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

  • $\begingroup$ This seems more like a debugging question than anything else. While understanding the algorithm may aid in that debugging, SO is generally the preferred forum for such questions. You might want to tag it as dsp once it gets there. $\endgroup$
    – Peter K.
    Commented Jan 17, 2014 at 20:38

2 Answers 2


I'm by no means an expert in this, but I find the subject of compressed sensing very interesting, so I thought it'd be fun to play around with this.

I believe your error is in the generation of your sampling matrix, $\Phi$. According to the paper you reference "The convergence of this algorithm was proven in [1] under the condition that $\|\Phi\|_2 < 1$ ."

If you take the norm of your matrix A, you'll find that it's above 1, and that if you scale it such that the norm goes below 1 then your program will converge (actually, I found that as long as the norm of A was below about 2.8 it would converge, which I've yet to understand).

Hope that's helpful!


It seems your problem is that you don't have enough measurements ($n$ is too large) or, conversely, your sparsity level is too large ($k$ is too large).

I get the following results running your code with n=650 and k=50:

iter# = 0 MSE = 0.00812474693295
iter# = 1 MSE = 0.00271708140753
iter# = 2 MSE = 0.000356259110511
iter# = 3 MSE = 6.21904907643e-05
iter# = 4 MSE = 1.44382449129e-05
iter# = 5 MSE = 3.78893253914e-06
iter# = 6 MSE = 1.0594446086e-06
iter# = 7 MSE = 3.07260599077e-07
iter# = 8 MSE = 9.11129787831e-08
iter# = 9 MSE = 2.73966343485e-08
iter# = 10 MSE = 8.31158766951e-09
iter# = 11 MSE = 2.53626229375e-09
iter# = 12 MSE = 7.76921000721e-10
iter# = 13 MSE = 2.3860780809e-10
iter# = 14 MSE = 7.34107163353e-11
All Close xiht and x :False
Mean Squared Error AMP: 7.34107163353e-11

And I get the following results running your code with n=400 and k=25

iter# = 0 MSE = 0.00220889518721
iter# = 1 MSE = 0.000307654598132
iter# = 2 MSE = 2.10598716122e-05
iter# = 3 MSE = 1.95585608289e-06
iter# = 4 MSE = 2.11634342685e-07
iter# = 5 MSE = 2.52134822012e-08
iter# = 6 MSE = 3.22221470836e-09
iter# = 7 MSE = 4.34247659324e-10
iter# = 8 MSE = 6.09018078495e-11
All Close xiht and x :False
Mean Squared Error AMP: 6.09018078495e-11

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