Bottom Line
- OP's approach is closest to the "Frequency Sampling Method"
- Use a linear frequency grid, not logarithmic.
- Populate the spectrum on both the positive an negative frequency axis, with complex conjugate symmetry for real time samples.
- (As MattL pointed out): bound the DC bin to a finite value.
The OP's used logarithmically spaced positive axis only frequencies but proceeded with what is equivalent to a Discrete Fourier Series reconstruction where linearly spaced frequencies should be used. Using linear spaced frequencies that include the positive and negative frequencies, and using the inverse FFT directly to estimate the time domain response results in the "Frequency Sampling" method.
The plot below shows the achievable result of the recreated spectrum using 1001 samples as the OP had done. Increasing the number of samples extends the accuracy to even lower frequencies.
The remaining details in this post should clear up any disconnects with the OP's initial intuition with the approach that was attempted.
The main points of this post, including what was wrong with the OP's initial attempt is concluded above. The remaining part of this post details the deeper considerations needed to do the Frequency Sampling Method properly for any generic spectrum (real or complex), and then as an interesting study I included a direct comparison to the result for the Windowing Method that MattL derived in his answer (initially I expected the Frequency Sampling solution using the same number of samples to be worst without increasing the density of samples in frequency and wanted to demonstrate that, but that didn't turn out to be the case). That later section also summarizes the differences and approach of the two methods.
The Frequency Sampling method is simple and quite effective if you are able to sample the frequency over the spectrum of interest with fine enough spacing to avoid time domain aliasing distortion. To proceed, sample the desired spectrum using both its magnitude and phase, and then use an inverse FFT calculation to determine the time domain samples. The finer the spacing in frequency that is used, the longer the resulting time domain response will be, which will further reduce deleterious time-domain aliasing effects. This resulting time response can be truncated to a smaller duration, and then this result windowed to reduce the time-domain truncation effects. Without such windowing the time-domain truncation will result in ripples in the frequency response. Extending the sampling rate higher (most simply by zero-padding the target spectrum) is also an effective approach to interpolate more samples in the resulting time domain response if needed.
There are some details that are important to be aware of:
Detail 1
With using the inverse FFT directly, the sampled frequency domain must extend from DC to 1 sample less than what will be the sampling rate for the resulting time domain signal. This is to properly fill the values that essentially are the FFT result: $N$ samples in time are $N$ samples in frequency, the first FFT bin with $k=0$ is at "DC" and the last FFT bin with $k=N-1$ is at the frequency that is nearly the sampling rate (if there was one more bin at $k=N$, it would be at the sampling rate). The upper half of this spectrum is equally the "negative frequencies" due to periodicity of the FFT. Assuming a real time domain response, each negative frequency will be the complex conjugate of each positive frequency.
Detail 2
Using an odd number of samples simplifies the process since we can fill the FFT directly with $k=0$ as the "DC" bin, and the next $(N-1)/2$ samples as the "positive frequencies", and then the next $(N-1)/2$ samples after that as the "negative frequencies" and symmetry in the positive and negative frequency is maintained. (Using an even number of samples is done with further treatment of the "Nyquist bin" that is at $N/2$ in this case, which I won't detail here but that processing is covered in other posts [link here would be helpful]). As a simple example, the spectrum given by samples [1, 2, 3, 3, 2] would be considered symmetric and result in an all real inverse FFT: Here the DC bin has the value 1 associated with $k=0$, the positive frequencies are given as [2, 3] associated with $k=1,2$, and the negative frequencies are given as [3, 2] associated with $k=3,4$, where the two values given as 2 correspond to the two closest frequencies to the DC bin.
Detail 3
As MattL pointed out in the comments, the OP's spectrum will go to infinity at DC. The solution is to bound the DC bin to the value for the bin at $k=1$ (which for the real spectrum is also the bin at $k=N-1$). For this particular spectrum, I did not see a lot of sensitivity to the resulting spectrum by modifying the DC bin over a fairly wide range, but reducing it's value is intuitive given the effective first order high pass that is given by finite observation times (if a more detailed explanation of this is needed, that is worthy of a completely separate question).
Detail 4
A zero phase spectrum will result in a non-causal time domain response which is resolved by circularly rotating the result to the right over half its length (using ifftshift
on the non-causal inverse FFT result will do this directly). That would be the simplest approach to take, but this can also be done by adding a negative linear phase in the frequency domain (which is a delay in time) prior to taking the inverse FFT, sufficient to circularly shift an odd length inverse FFT to the right $(N+1)/2$ samples. Also for cases where complex conjugate symmetry is not maintained in the frequency domain between the first half of the spectrum and the second half (between the positive and negative frequencies), the resulting time domain signal will be complex. (In some applications we want this).
Detail 5
When using a real and symmetric spectrum, the time domain response itself will be real and symmetric. If truncating this time response to shorten the filter length (and windowing), the truncation should be done to keep the center of the response to maintain the time domain symmetry. This means remove the same number of samples from the beginning and the end of the time domain response, and then window that result.
If those details are properly maintained when going from frequency to time using the inverse FFT, then the resulting time domain response will have a continuous frequency response (The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform or DTFT) with close match to the original desired spectrum.
In summary the above is the "Frequency Sampling Method" of filter design.
Comparison to "Windowing Method"
MattL in his answer has alternatively designed the filter using the "Windowing Method". (Both approaches use windowing, but the "Window Method" specifically windows samples of the true desired impulse response as the Inverse Discrete-Time Fourier Transform or IDTFT, while the "Frequency Sampling Method" windows the Inverse FFT derived impulse response). In general, when the "true" samples of the time domain impulse response are known, the Windowing Method may be able to compute the required filter with less resources and this is especially true if the target frequency response has abrupt steps. This is a trivial point when doing a one-time calculation of the filter coefficients using the resources of a personal computer, but can have significant consideration for applications designing dynamic filters on embedded platforms. To be clear, both will result in a filter with the same number of coefficients and similar performance with similar resource requirements to use the filter. This comment is just about resources to create the filter which in most applications is never a concern.
In summary for the two methods:
Frequency Sampling: Very simple. Sample the desired frequency response with a grid dense enough to minimize time domain aliasing, take the Inverse FFT to compute the estimated impulse response, truncate the resulting impulse response to the desired filter length and window. May require more computations to determine the resulting filter when many more Inverse FFT samples than final filter coefficients are needed. This approach may be preferred when we don't immediately know the time-domain impulse response and have no resource issues for designing the filter.
Windowing Method: (See MattL's answer) Opportunity for least computations to design the filter but requires knowledge of the actual impulse response. Simply window the impulse response if known at the desired length. This approach may be preferred when we know the time-domain impulse response, and when the resources or computation time to determine filter coefficients is actually a concern.
As an "apples to apples" comparison between the Frequency Sampling Method and Windowing Method for this specific case (the OP's spectrum), I recomputed the Frequency Sampling Method result using the same number of samples and the same Hanning window as MattL's Windowing Method answer (and important to reiterate, I did not for this comparison need to sample the frequency spectrum with a higher density of samples). The results suggest that, at least for this specific spectrum, the Frequency Sampling Method and Windowing Method are very similar in performance. This went against my past experience with getting significantly greater error without further oversampling the spectrum. I suspect this result and useful observation is specific to the smoothness of the OP's target spectrum and suggests the cases when Frequency Sampling can provide just as accurate of a result with no downside. ("Accurate" here means how well the resulting frequency response matches the desired frequency response).
The Python code used to create the filter coefficients using 'frequency sampling' is as follows:
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.fft as fft
fs = 2
N = 1001 # number of discrete freqs (using odd number for symmetry)
a = 1.2566 # constant
b = 0.00078956 # constant
k = np.arange(1, (N-1)/2+1) # frequency indices for pos frequencies
f = fs/N * k # frequencies at sampled locations
#The spectrum
G = np.zeros(N)
hw = int((N-1)/2) # half-way
# create positive frequencies
G[1:hw+1] = a / np.sqrt(b*f[:hw])
# create negative frequencies as symmetric spectrum
G[hw+1:] = G[1:hw+1][::-1]
# DC Bin
G[0]= G[1]
# Create time domain response using IDFT
win = sig.kaiser(len(G),12)
coeff = fft.ifftshift(fft.ifft(G)) * win
# Recreate spectrum (as DTFT) and plot
w, h = sig.freqz(coeff, worN=2**16)
plt.semilogx(f, 20*np.log10(G), label="True")
plt.semilogx(fs/2 * w/np.pi, 20*np.log10(np.abs(h)), label="Freq Sampling")
Closing Thoughts
This post has presented the corrected approach to the OP's approach of using the Frequency Sampling Method for determining the time response from a frequency response, and provided a comparison to the alternative Windowing Method (detailed nicely in MattL's answer).
I have also gained through working through the OP's question a deeper understanding of the Frequency Sampling Method, in that there are cases (this one!) where the method provides just as good of a result as the alternative Windowing Method without any downsides. In most use cases for Frequency Sampling that I was previously familiar with, notably whenever the target spectrum has an abrupt discontinuity, the frequency spectrum must be oversampled to significantly more samples in order to achieve the same performance as the Windowing Method. As MattL has pointed out to me in the past, this does NOT mean the resulting filter need be longer, since the derived time domain response from the Frequency Sampling Method can be truncated and windowed. I was hoping to demonstrate that point in this post but found out surprisingly the two approaches have the same performance in this case without the need for increasing the density of frequency samples. My suspicion is the smoothness of the OP's target spectrum given the $1/\sqrt{f}$ shape.