First, the definitions:
Definition (Gaussian process)
A random process $X(t)$ is a Gaussian process if for all time points, $t_1,\ldots,t_n$ the random variables $X(t_1 ),\ldots,X(t_n)$ have a multivariate normal distribution. In particular, the distribution of $X(t)$ at any time point $t$ is normal.
Alternate Definition: $X(t)$ is a Gaussian process iff all linear combinations of $X(t_1),\ldots,X(t_n)$ have a normal distribution and all time-points $t_1,\ldots,t_n$.
Suppose $X(t)$ is a Gaussian process. Then $X(t)$ is wide-sense stationary if, and only if, $X(t)$ is strict-sense stationary.
But in book "Gravitational Waves - Volume 1: Theory and Experiments" (page 337, equation 7.6) it says:
$$ \text{E}\Big[\tilde{n}^*(f)\,\tilde{n}(f')\Big] = \delta(f - f')\frac{1}{2}S_n(f), $$
where $\tilde{n}(f)$ is the Fourier transform of $n(t)$, $S_n(f)$ is the power spectral density of $n(t)$ and $\delta(f-f')$ is the delta distribution.
This definition also seems correct, see the following paper: (equation 44).
I first thought that this is white noise, ie:
$$\text{E}\Big[n(t)\Big] = 0, \hspace{30pt} S_n(f) = \frac{n_0}{2} \hspace{30pt} R_n(t,t') = \frac{n_0}{2}\delta(t-t'),$$
where $R_n(t,t')$ is the autocorrelation function of $n(t)$. Namely, then holds:
$$R_n(t,t') = \text{E}\Big[n(t)\,n(t')\Big] = \frac{n_0}{2}\delta(t-t') = S_n(f)\,\delta(t-t')$$
But then this is still not identical with the term to be drawn. Moreover, the given term seems to be much more general, as I assume white noise here.
Hence my actual question:
Where does the following expression for stationary Gaussian Noise come from: $\langle \tilde{n}(f)\tilde{n}(f')\rangle = \delta(f-f')\frac{1}{2}S_n$?
Is there any derivation for this expression? Any book or paper that defines or even derives this expression?