Convolution is the single most convoluting thing I had to deal with in college. Now having mastered it, this text is what helped me the most.
To answer your specific question, for me the best way to think of it is - convolution is a transform. A transform is something we apply for various parameter choices - in this case, a time shift. I strongly dislike the notation
y(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(\tau) h(t - \tau) d \tau
It's an equivalent, but much more obfuscated, version of what's consistent with conv's actual motivation:
y(\tau) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(t) h(\tau - t) dt
This reads, "convolution at shift $\tau$, is inner product of $x$ with, time-reversed $h$ centered at $\tau$". So, for each $\tau_0$, e.g. $5$, we compute the integral
y(5) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(t) h(5 - t) dt
Then, $y(\tau)$ is simply what stores every such possible $\tau_0$. And we call it "convolution".
Lastly, it's "equivalent" because it's simply a change of variables: we swap $t$ and $\tau$. The motivation is that we want our output to be in terms of a familiar variable, $t$.
Edit: briefly, I confused "motivation" for sake of computational understanding vs physical motivation. The "bad notation" correctly reflects the physical motivation, but that's its own topic.