This question is not written in order to criticize people efforts in image deblurring, to be honest, I just don't know the difference between techniques.
My question is in title, why deblurring image is still open problem and lots of techniques and methods published for that everyday?
When we have a blurred image, we can deblur that with a simple deconvolution, or using gradient in order to deblur, we can use sharpening filters, or using unsharp mask.
Why everyday we see new techniques for deblurring images? what is the difference between them?
What metric defines that a technique better than the other? Or what things that make a technique weaker than the other? what trade-off do we have in image deblurring?
What is the thing in image deblurring, that none of current deblurring algorithms couldn't solve yet and all of the scientism is struggling to solve that?
Also, I'm looking for any article or book that talks about that (image blurring, deblurring and different method) but I couldn't find