I have been trying to find a way to transform my time series data in an equivalent manner to the discrete Fourier transform. What I wish to find is something like:
f_t # an np.array of length n with the observations
t # an np.array of length n with time of the observations
f_trans = transform(f_t,t)
f_hat = inversetransf(f_trans,t)
As a result, I want that if I plot (t,f_t)
and also (t,f_hat)
the two plots overlap.
Edit: To give more context, I have 70'000+ series of 80 points each, all taken in a time interval of 3 seconds. Each series is independent of the others, and I only need to transform all the series once and untransform them also one time. Currently, I been using the FFT and iFFT routines numpy.fft. Since each series has his own time steps and I'm trying to capture the underlying structure, I consider that using a transformation that incorporates the time values will give smaller errors.
) and then perform an FFT, which will automatically interpolate the data (since SPICE doesn't work with equally spaced time points). $\endgroup$