I have a skeleton image. I am able to detect branchpoints, endpoints and able to label image using BWMorph, BWLabel. Now I want to differntiate between skeleton center line and branches. In short I want to detect branches in skeleton. I want to perform operations on skeleton branches and I do not want to consider center line in these operations. Can someone help? Following is skeleton image. http://www.flickr.com/photos/92388309@N03/8397759970/in/photostream/ Arrows in following image show center line of skeleton. http://www.flickr.com/photos/92388309@N03/8404495186/in/photostream/
Following is code I have used.
[row column] = find(mn);
branchPts = [row column];
endImg = bwmorph(y, 'endpoints');
[row column] = find(endImg);
endPts = [row column];
hold on ;
hold on; plot(endPts(:,2),endPts(:,1),'*');
% Labeling the Branches
branches = imsubtract(y,mn); % set branch points to zero
figure; imshow(branches);title('no bp')
branchesLabeled = bwlabel( branches); % label connected components
% Calculation of Length of Branches and Circular Neighbourhood Method for
% for detection of normal and abnormal branches.
sts = regionprops( branchesLabeled,'Area', 'Perimeter','MajorAxisLength','Centroid' );
hold on
% Loop for circles
for i=1:size(sts)
r= sts(i).MajorAxisLength/2 ; %desired radius
centerx = sts(i).Centroid(1);
centery = sts(i).Centroid(2);
th = 0:pi/50:2*pi;
xunit = r * cos(th) + centerx;
yunit = r * sin(th) + centery;
plot(xunit, yunit);