The name and documentation of shannon_entropy
are simply misleading.
It's not the Shannon entropy what this function computes.
Remember the definition of entropy $H(X)$ of a random source $X$: It's the expectation of information. Now, the formula used there is simply
$$H(X) = \mathbb E\left\{I(x\in X)\right\}$$
They simply equate that with the negated sum over all logarithms over the empirical frequency of a symbol, times that frequency (which they use as a proxy for probability).
That's only correct if the symbols are independent! That's almost never the case in imagery.
You have a source that gives you values out of {1,…,16} equiprobably, one after each other, totally unrelated. Of course, you'll find that the Shannon entropy of this source is $\log_2(16)=4\,\text{b}$. Fine!
Now, take a different source. Same alphabet, {1,…,16}, but every value is repeated four times. Clearly, every fourth symbol carries 4 bit of information – but all in between carry no information on their own, because you know their value if you know the value of the previous symbol.
So, within a streak of 4 of such symbols, there's one symbol that has 4 bit information, and 3 symbols that actually have 0 bit. The Shannon entropy is hence $H(X)= \frac14 \cdot 4\,\text{b} + \frac 34 \cdot 0\,\text{b}=1\,\text{b}$. Not surprising, I'd say - you could transport the same info with an image one fourth of the pixels! We call a source where we consider multiple symbols combined into one a "product source" (in this case, a sensible product source to construct from the original, correlated source is the product source made from 4 consecutive symbols).
The function shannon_entropy
will tell you the Shannon entropy is 4 bit in both cases. It'd be wrong, plain as that - the thing it calculates only is the Shannon entropy of a source that gives independent samples of given statistics. It can be used as an upper bound, but typically becomes a very loose bound for images that aren't white noise.
Now, LZMA doesn't try to encode the image as independent pixels – it's designed to understand the data as output of a product source (i.e. one where you encode words that are made out of multiple symbols), and hence "sees" the correlations in your image, and compresses them.