Hello I need some help with this question. $$𝑦[𝑛] = 𝑎_1𝑥[𝑛 − 𝑘_1] + 𝑎_2𝑥[𝑛− 𝑘_2] + 𝑏_1 𝑦[𝑛− 𝑘_3]$$
Set $a_1, a_2$, and $b_1$ to any positive or negative real numbers of your choice. Set $k_1, k_2$, and $k_3$ to any positive integer numbers of your choice ($k_1$ can be zero). Present this equation with the numbers you have chosen. Present the transfer function $𝐻(𝑧)$ of your filter
I have chosen the values so my equation looks like this $$y[𝑛] = 0.4𝑥[𝑛] + 0.6𝑥[𝑛− 1] + 0.8𝑦[𝑛− 2]$$
I have worked out $H(z)$ to be $$\frac{0.4 + 0.6z^{-1}}{1-0.8z^{-2}}$$ is this correct?
My questions are:
- Is this filter an FIR or IIR type?
- How do you determine the poles and zero?
- How do you determine if the filter is stable or unstable?