EDITED 3-Jun-20
I have a lorentzian lineshape $$ f(z) = \frac{1+iz}{R(1+z^2)} \qquad (1)$$ where $$ z=\frac{-2\pi(f - F0)}{R} \qquad (2)$$ and $ R $ is the decay rate, $ f $ is the frequency, $ F0 $ is the peak frequency.
The time domain function should be $$ \exp(2\pi iF0t)\exp(-Rt)/Fs \qquad (3)$$ Where $ Fs $ is the sampling frequency (and is used as a scaling factor).
This FT pair has been obtained from the response here with a few simplifications, and i'm fairly certain its correct as i've gone through and derived it, and checked it against other derivations of the Lorentzian FT.
I am comparing the analytical Fourier Transform with the Fast Fourier Transform. I want to be able to obtain the original Lorentzian lineshape (equation 1) when i take the FFT of equation 3. I understand that there are differences between the two, and that there will be errors (truncation and/or aliasing), however when i compare them, the analytical FT result appears to be mirrored. This is easy to see when the peak tips are compared. I can write an algorithm to flip the x axis values and shift the peak back to where it should be, however i'm wondering why this flip happens. What is the theoretical basis? Is there a way to solve this without reversing and shifting each x axis value?
Please find the script showing the mirroring below.
# 1) Lineshape parameters
Fs <- 30 # sampling frequency Hz
F0 <- 2 # resonance frequency
f_length <- 27000 # number of samples
A <- 1 # Peak intensity (Amplitude)
R <- 0.03 # Decay rate
# 2) Frequency data ---------------------------------------------
# Creating the frequency axis
f <- seq(0, Fs, length.out = f_length)
# The lorentz frequency lineshape
z <- -2*pi*(f - F0) / R
LL <- complex(r = 1, i = z)/(1+z^2)/R
# 3) Creating Time function ------------------------------------------
# Time axis
t <- seq(0, f_length/Fs, length.out = f_length)
# Ideal lorentz time lineshape
ft <- A*exp(complex(i = 2*pi*F0*t))*exp(-R*t)/Fs
# 4) Checking for accuracy
x <- list(
# X axis title
title = "Frequency",
titlefont = "f"
y <- list(
# Y axis title
title = "Intensity",
titlefont = "f"
p <- plot_ly(x = f, y = Re(LL), mode = "lines", type = "scatter", name = "Original Lorentzian") %>%
add_trace(x = f, y = Re(fft(ft)), mode = "lines", name = "Analytical Algorithm", line = list(color = 'rgb(205, 12, 24)')) %>%
layout(xaxis = x, yaxis = y)
and the script with the rudimentary flipping
# 1) Lineshape parameters
Fs <- 30 # sampling frequency Hz
F0 <- 2 # resonance frequency
f_length <- 27000 # number of samples
A <- 1 # Peak intensity (Amplitude)
R <- 0.03 # Decay rate
# 2) Frequency data ---------------------------------------------
# Creating the frequency axis
f <- seq(0, Fs, length.out = f_length)
# The lorentz frequency lineshape
z <- -2*pi*(f - F0) / R
LL <- complex(r = 1, i = z)/(1+z^2)/R
# 3) Creating Time function ------------------------------------------
# Time axis
t <- seq(0, f_length/Fs, length.out = f_length)
# Ideal lorentz time lineshape
ftna <- A*exp(complex(i = 2*pi*(Fs-F0)*t))*exp(-R*t)/Fs
ftnew <- fft(ftna)
bot <- (Fs-F0)/Fs*f_length - F0/Fs*f_length
bot <- round(bot) + 2
ft <- ftnew[bot:(f_length-1)]
ft <- append(ft, ftnew[1:bot] , f_length)- min(Re(ftnew[1:bot]))
# 4) Checking for accuracy
x <- list(
# X axis title
title = "Frequency",
titlefont = "f"
y <- list(
# Y axis title
title = "Intensity",
titlefont = "f"
p <- plot_ly(x = f, y = Re(LL), mode = "lines", type = "scatter", name = "Original Lorentzian") %>%
add_trace(x = f, y = Re((ft)), mode = "lines", name = "Analytical Algorithm", line = list(color = 'rgb(205, 12, 24)')) %>%
layout(xaxis = x, yaxis = y)