I would like to understand the "justification" for the bilinear transform. The basic idea as I understand it is that by integration rule of Laplace transform we have for continuous $y(t)$:
$$\mathcal{L}\{y\}(s)=\mathcal{L}\{\int_0^ty'(x)dx\}(s)=\frac{1}{s}\mathcal L\{y'\}(s)$$ $$\Leftrightarrow \frac{\mathcal L\{y\}(s)}{\mathcal L\{y'\}(s)}=\frac{1}{s}$$
Using the trapezoid rule gives the approximation ($h$ is the sampling period): $$y(t)=y(t-h)+\int_{t-h}^ty'(x)dx\approx y(t-h)+\frac{h}{2}(y'(t)+y'(t-h))$$
And taking the $z$ transform using the approximation gives $$\mathcal Z\{y\}(z)\approx \mathcal Z\{ y[n-1]+\frac{h}{2}(y'[n]+y'[n-1])\}(z)$$ $$\approx z^{-1}\mathcal{Z\{y\}(z)}+\frac{h}{2}(\mathcal Z\{y'\}(z)+z^{-1}\mathcal Z\{y'\}(z))$$ $$\Leftrightarrow\frac{\mathcal Z\{y\}(z)}{\mathcal Z\{y'\}(z)}\approx \frac{h}{2}(\frac{1+z^{-1}}{1-z^{-1}})$$
Putting the above together we finally end up with the estimate $$\frac{\mathcal L\{y\}}{\mathcal L\{y'\}}(\frac{2}{h}(\frac{1-z^{-1}}{1+z^{-1}}))\approx \frac{\mathcal Z\{y\}(z)}{\mathcal Z\{y'\}(z)}$$
Question 1. How do we get from the above estimate to the desired estimate
$$\mathcal L\{y\}(\frac{2}{h}(\frac{1-z^{-1}}{1+z^{-1}}))\approx \mathcal Z\{y\}(z)$$
Question 2. It is possible to use trapezoid rule on any linear ODE directly (iterating the rule for higher order derivatives as needed). However, interestingly this gives a different answer than the bilinear transform. The resulting coefficients $a_i$ are the same, however the $b_i$s are different.
So it appears that the bilinear transform distorts the start of the impulse. For example, for 1st order Butterworth lowpass filter we have from bilinear approximation that $b_0=b_1$. As such the impulse response ramps up before ramping down, while the continuous response and trapezoidal estimate only ramps down (see example below). Why are the $b_i$s given by the bilinear transform the "best" (e.g. most widely used) estimates (note: we only consider $b_i$s up to the order of the filter)?
Example: Consider the 1-pole Butterworth filter given by the transfer function:
The differential eq. is given by: $$y=-y'/\omega$$
By trapezoid method and the above eq.: $$y(t+h)\approx y(t)+\frac{h}{2}(y'(t+h)+y'(t))=y(t)-\frac{h\omega}{2}(y(t+h)+y(t))$$ Collecting the terms we get the difference equation $$y[n+1]=\frac{(1-\frac{h\omega}{2})}{(1+\frac{h\omega}{2})}y[n]$$
Which is the same as with bilinear transform, but lacking the term $b_1$.