The autocorrelation function $r_s[k]$ of a sequence $\{s[n]\}$ is just the inner product (dot product) of $\{s[n]\}$ with a shifted version of itself: $$r_s[k] = \sum_n s[n]\cdot s[n+k].$$ Two important properties of finite-energy signals is that $r_s[0] \geq 0$ (indeed $r_s[0]$ equals $0$ only for the zero signal $s[n]=0$ for all $n$) and $|r_s[n]| \leq r_s[0]$.
Now suppose that the sequence is of finite length meaning that there are two finite numbers $n_\min$ and $n_\max$ (with $n_\max > n_\min$) such that
- $s[n] = 0$ for all $n < n_\min$ and for all $n > n_\max$.
- $s[n_\min] \neq 0$, $s[n_\max] \neq 0,$
that is, $s$ is a finite length sequence "lasting" from $n=n_\min$ to $n = n_\max$ where the "endpoints" are nonzero
(but we make no claim about intermediate elements which may or may not be $0$; we don't really care). Its "length" is thus $n_\max-n_\min+1$. Note that $\{s[n]\}$ is guaranteed to have at least two nonzero elements in it, namely $s[n_\min]$ and $s[n_\max]$. Note also that $r_s[n_\max-n_\min] = s[n_\min]\cdot s[n_\max] \neq 0$ and so $r_s[k]$ cannot be an impulse function; it has at least two nonzero elements $r_s[0]$ and $r_s[n_\max-n_\min]$.
All that remains is to put all these notions together to cobble up a proof of the proposition
The autocorrelation function of a finite-length sequence is an impulse if and only if the sequence itself is an impulse.
The if part is straightforward and is left as an exercise for the OP and interested diligent readers. For the only if part, recall that in order to prove $A \iff B$, it suffices to prove that $A \implies B$ (which is the exercise mentioned in the previous sentence) and also that $A^c \implies B^c$ (which is logically equivalent to $B\implies A$). We have shown above that a non-impulsive sequence such as the $\{s[n]\}$ discussed above (it has at least two nonzero elements) has a non-impulsive autocorrelation function (which we showed above also has at least two nonzero elements) and so we are done.
Note that in contrast to @PeterK's answer, there is no need for decision tree enumeration etc.