Using the given identities,
$$ a^nu[n] \Longleftrightarrow \frac{1}{(1-ae^{-jw})}$$ and $$\delta[n-k]\Longleftrightarrow e^{-jwk}$$
Find the inverse DTFT of,
$$ H(e^{jw}) = B\cdot\frac{e^{-jw}}{(1-ae^{-jw})}$$
my attempt:
$$h[n] = B\cdot\delta[n-1]a^nu[n]$$
It seems straight forward enough, just plug in the inverse dtft. This is not correct though, there is no delta to be found in the correct solution.
The correct answer is:
$$h[n] = Ba^{n-1}u[n-1]$$
It's like the delta disappeared and the delta convolution property was used.
$$x[n]*\delta[n-1] = x[n-1]$$
But using the identities above, I do not want to use convolution. I am confused why the delta disappeared and the signals it was multiplied with became shifted, any help in understanding how to get the correct answer using the identities would be appreciated!