For the time delay $e^{-sT}$ I shall find the Pade Approximation for $M = 0$ and $N = 1$.
$f(s) = \sum_i^{\infty} a_is^i \approx \dfrac{\sum_{n=0}^{N} b_is^i}{\sum_{m=0}^{M} c_is^i}$
$e^{-sT} = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\dfrac{(-sT)^i}{i!}$
Using the Taylor approximation for $e^{-sT}$ I yield
$1 -sT \approx \frac{P_N(s)}{Q_M(s)}$
$1 -sT \approx \frac{b_0 + b_1 s}{c_0}$
with $c_0 = 1$ per definition according to my materials.
This leads me to
$1 -sT \approx b_0 + b_1 s$
$b_0 = 1$
$b_1 = -T$
If I now want to check the step response of $e^{-sT}$ and my approximation MATLAB complains about my function having more zeroes than poles, which is not surprising as I thought I would get my transfer function from $G(s) = \frac{P_N(s)}{Q_M(s)}$.
I'm sure there is a basic misunderstanding of what I am doing here on my side.