I have plot some of the IIR filter's impulse responses and some of them are exponentially increasing, increasing, decreasing etc but some IIR's impulse response approaches 0. If for example I have an IIR filter defined by its lccde:
$$ 6 y[n] + y[n-1] - 2y[n-2] = x[n] - 2x[n-1] $$
$$ y[n] = \frac{1}{6}x[n] - \frac{1}{3}x[n-1] - \frac{1}{6}y[n-1] + \frac{1}{3}y[n-2] $$
when I plot its impulse response in matlab:
[h,n] = impz([1 -2],[6 1 -2]);
its impulse response would approach 0, and this zero value will bestarting at n = 23. Does this mean that the IIR is an FIR since I can cut off the impulse response at n = 23?