I've seen some other questions on here about zero padding (like this one) but I'm still a little confused about my situation.
I'm attempting to zero pad my input time series data, so I get an interpolated frequency spectrum. I had initially tried this with NumPy's FFT package, and I checked my algorithm on generated data to see if it works. I generated sine waves of known frequencies, and checked to see what the differences were between the actual, unpadded and padded estimates for frequencies. For frequencies that sat exactly in an FFT bin, the unpadded and padded estimates agreed exactly (as they should).
But I need to implement this in C (using the FFTW library), but the same test fails in the algorithm I implemented. What I'm doing is -
- Read in time series (generated data)
- Perform unpadded FFT, obtain frequency estimate (by looking at the bin with the maximum amplitude)
- To the end of the time series, add zeros (I'm using 10 times as many zeros).
- Take an FFT of the padded array, and obtain frequency estimate.
- Compare the two frequency estimates.
Turns out the two frequency estimates are very different. This is because in my C code, there seem to be multiple places where the value of the FFT matches the maximum.
I think this is because of how I'm padding zeros to the array. Question: How does one correctly pad zeros to an array such that the FFT yields similar results to the unpadded array?
EDIT: Relevant code (Python and C)
#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
PI = np.pi
ixFreq = 10.0 # This is the bin that will have the max
iyFreq = 10.0 # amplitude in the fourier plane
xSize = 24 # Define the size of the array
ySize = 60
xPeriod = xSize/ixFreq # Calculate what the period needs to be
yPeriod = ySize/iyFreq
xxFreq = 1./xPeriod # This is the *actual* frequency.
yyFreq = 1./yPeriod
padFac = 10 # Padding factor
xPad = padFac * xSize
yPad = padFac * ySize
npt = xSize * ySize
padnpt = xPad * yPad
xy = np.mgrid[0:ySize,0:xSize] # 2D grid to generate the sine wave
data = np.sin(2.0*PI * (xy[0]/yPeriod + xy[1]/xPeriod)) # Sine wave
dFFT = np.fft.fft2(data) # Regular (unpadded) FFT
padFFT = np.fft.fft2(data, s=[yPad,xPad]) # Padded FFT
freqArr = np.fft.fftfreq(ySize) # Frequency bins
freqPad = np.fft.fftfreq(yPad)
datmax = np.amax(np.abs(dFFT[:,:xSize/2])) # Find magnitude and pos of max val
datwhere = np.where(np.abs(dFFT[:,:xSize/2]) == datmax)
padmax = np.amax(np.abs(padFFT[:,:xPad/2]))
padwhere = np.where(np.abs(padFFT[:,:xPad/2]) == padmax)
freqD = freqArr[datwhere[0][0]]
freqP = freqPad[padwhere[0][0]]
print "Actual Freq: % 5.5lf" % yyFreq # Print everything out
print "Data Max: % 5.5lf" % (np.amax(data))
print "FFT Max: % 5.5lf Where: % 5.5lf\n" % (datmax/np.sqrt(npt), freqD)
print "Pad Max: % 5.5lf Where: % 5.5lf\n" % (padmax/np.sqrt(npt), freqP)
Note - I've used a few user written functions, but I've tested them and I'm fairly certain that they're not the problem. I'm including them in here so you guys have a working piece of code, though.
How I compiled it - gcc -Wall -o "fftwTest" fftwTest.c -lfftw3 -lm
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <complex.h>
# include <fftw3.h>
#define LARGENUMBER 9999999
#define BADDATA -999999
void fftFreqD(int len, double d, double *freqArr)
// Calculate given the bin, what the frequency is. Equivalent of
// numpy's fftfreq function
int ii;
freqArr[0] = 0.; //zero bin is always DC component
if (len % 2 == 0){ // If length of even size
for(ii = 1; ii < len/2; ii++)
freqArr[ii] = ii/(d*len);
for(ii = len/2; ii < len; ii++)
freqArr[ii] = -(len-ii)/(d*len);
else{ // Else if odd size
for(ii = 1; ii < (floor(len/2)+1); ii++)
freqArr[ii] = ii/(d*len);
for(ii = (floor(len/2)+1); ii < len; ii++)
freqArr[ii] = -(len-ii)/(d*len);
void minmaxArrayC(int indx1, int indx2, complex *data, double *mindata,
double *maxdata)
// Find the minimum and maximum value of a complex array, by taking
// the absolute value
int ii;
*mindata = LARGENUMBER;
*maxdata = BADDATA;
for (ii = indx1; ii < indx2; ii++) {
if (*mindata > cabs(data[ii]))
*mindata = cabs(data[ii]);
if (*maxdata < cabs(data[ii]))
*maxdata = cabs(data[ii]);
void generate2DSin(double *outarr,double amp,double freqx, double freqy,
double phase,int lenx, int leny)
int ii, jj, index=0;
for(ii = 0; ii < lenx; ii++){
for(jj = 0; jj < leny; jj++)
index = ii*leny + jj;
outarr[index] = amp * sin(2.0*M_PI*(freqx*ii+freqy*jj) + phase);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int xSize = 24, ySize = 60;
int padx, pady, padfac;
int npt, padnpt;
int ii, jj, index;
double *data, maxfft, maxpad, posmax=0, posmaxpad=0;
double *paddata;
double dum;
double xf, yf, ixf, iyf, xpd, ypd;
double *freqArr, *freqArrPad;
fftw_complex *fftdata, *padfft;
fftw_plan t2f, t2pad;
ixf = 10.0; // The bin that will have max amplitude in the fourier
iyf = 10.0; // plane.
xpd = xSize/ixf; // The period of the wave, in the x and y directions
ypd = ySize/iyf;
xf = 1./xpd; // The actual frequency of the wave
yf = 1./ypd;
padfac = 32;
pady = padfac * ySize;
padx = padfac * xSize;
padnpt = pady * padx;
npt = xSize * ySize;
data = calloc(npt, sizeof(*data));
fftdata = calloc(npt, sizeof(*fftdata));
freqArr = calloc(npt, sizeof(*freqArr));
padfft = calloc(padnpt, sizeof(*padfft));
paddata = calloc(padnpt, sizeof(*paddata));
freqArrPad = calloc(padnpt, sizeof(*freqArrPad));
t2f = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(xSize, ySize, data, fftdata, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
t2pad = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(padx,pady,paddata,padfft,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
generate2DSin(data, 1., xf, yf, 0., xSize, ySize);
for(ii = 0; ii < ySize; ii++) {
for(jj = 0; jj < xSize; jj++) {
index = ii * xSize + jj;
paddata[index] = data[index];
for(ii = ySize; ii < pady; ii++) {
for(jj = xSize; jj < padx; jj++) {
index = ii*padx + jj;
paddata[index] = 0.;
minmaxArrayC(0, npt, fftdata, &dum, &maxfft);
minmaxArrayC(0, padnpt, padfft, &dum, &maxpad);
fftFreqD(ySize, 1, freqArr);
fftFreqD(pady, 1, freqArrPad);
for(ii = 0; ii < ySize; ii++){
for(jj = 0; jj < xSize; jj++) {
index = ii*xSize + jj;
if(cabs(fftdata[index]) == maxfft){
posmax = freqArr[ii];
for(ii = 0; ii < pady; ii++){
for(jj = 0; jj < padx; jj++) {
index = ii*padx + jj;
if(cabs(padfft[index]) == maxpad)
posmaxpad = freqArrPad[ii];
printf("FFT Max: % 5.5lf Where: % 5.5lf\n", maxfft, posmax);
printf("pad Max: % 5.5lf Where: % 5.5lf\n", maxpad, posmaxpad);
return 0;