Well the expression for the $\frac {d^n}{dt^n} p(t) $ is $V_n(t) p(t)$, where $V_n(t)$ is a polynomial of degree $n$, and $V_n(t)$ may be determined recursivelyy
$$ V_{n+1}(t)e^{-t^2/(2\tau^2)} = \frac{d}{dt}\left(V_{n}(t)e^{-t^2/(2\tau^2)}\right) $$
Solving for $V_{n+2}(t)$ we have
$$ V_{n+1} = \frac{d}{dt} V_{n}(t) - \frac{t}{2\tau^2} V_n(t)$$
TheseIn order to link the two forms of the equation we need
$$\begin{eqnarray} g(t) &=& p(t)cos(2\pi f_{c}t) \\ &=& V_{TX}exp(-\frac{t^{2}}{2\tau^2})cos(2\pi f_{c}t) \\ &=& \frac{d^{n}}{dt^{n}} \left( V_{TX }exp(-\frac{t^{2}}{2\tau^2}) \right) \\ &=& p(t)V_n(t) \end{eqnarray}$$
Thus $cos(2\pi f_c t) = V_n(t)$, the right hand side is a polynomial. As $n \to \infty$, the are the Hermite polynomials, they have some asymptotic expansionsasymptotic expansions in terms of cossines.
The equation you gave is not correct, maybe an approximation, or some different parameterization So the two may assume approximate values for certain values of $f_c$ and $\tau$.
Numerically evaluating the derivaties we see some resemblance of the original functionwith gausiand windowed cosine.
function hermite;
t = tau * linspace(-5, 5, 1000);
for order = 4:2:20
a = -1/(2*tau^2);
P = V_coefs(order, a);
plot(t, polyval(P(end:-1:1), t).*exp(a*t.^2));
title(num2str(order, 'n=%d'))
function coefs = V_coefs(order, a)
coefs = 1;
for ii = 1:order
coefs = [(1:(ii-1)).*coefs(2:end), 0, 0] + [0, coefs .* (2 * a)];