I am trying to get the bitstream of a signal sent over 433MHz. I have installed SDR# (I'm on Windows), connected my NESDR SMART, and I identified the signal here: I can see there is only one peak with progressively decreasing peaks, so I assume this is AM. Then I set the bandwidth to the width of the central lobe. I finally made a recording of the "Audio" and opened the WAV into Audacity but I could not make sense of the sines (I was expecting a digital stream, since the modulation was specified) so here is the I/Q data instead. This is an extract of the body of this waveform: I have also installed DSD+ and the SDR# plugin as well as the virtual cable between the two, but after setting up SDR# the waveform does not budge so nothing comes up.
What sort of encoding is this? How can I read the bitstream? I am open to other things to try to get to the bottom of this.