Thank you so much everyone!
I am really not confident in my mathematics skills and so I was focusing on the FourrierFourier transform, but as you all guessed, the problem was my sampling frequency way too small sampling frequency (I was using 25kHz). With 60kHz it works like a charm. Still feels like an idiot though ;-)
Thank you !
PS : To sum up if anyone was facing the same kind of problem
The theoric part was wright. We have : $$\delta(f) +\frac 18 \bigg[\delta(f-3f_0)+\delta(f-3f_0)\bigg] +\frac 38 \bigg[\delta(f-f_0)+\delta(f-f_0)\bigg]$$
The problem was with my simulation: I forgot to check if my sampling frequency was meeting the Nyquist-Shannon criteria ($Fs > 2F_{max}$).
So, with this code :
Fs = 7e4; % Sampling frequency
T = 1/Fs; % Sampling period
L = 100000; % Length of signal
t = (0:L-1)*T; % Time vector
fm = 10e3;
X = 1+(cos(2*pi*fm*t)).^3;
%X = 1 + 0.25*cos(3*2*pi*10000*t)+(3/4)*cos(2*pi*10000*t);
Y = abs(fft(X));
f = 0:Fs/L:Fs/2;
xlabel('f (Hz)')