Again using the above example will hopefully clarify this. For an exponential forcing signal, the standard (and most straight-forward) way to obtain a particular solution is choosing a scaled version of the forcing function:
(for the sake of simplicity I leave out the unit step $u[n]$, assuming that we consider $n\ge 0$, unless we talk about the initial condition). The constant $A$ is determined by plugging $(A1)$ into the difference equation:
giving $A=\frac{b}{a+b}$. The general form of the homogeneous solution is
Of course $y_h[n]=0$ (i.e., $B=0$) is one specific solution, but that's not the one we're looking for. We need to determine the constant $B$ in such a way that the sum of the particular and the homogeneous solution satisfies the initial condition:
From this equation we get
which shows that the homogeneous solution we need is non-zero if $y[-1]=0$. $y_p[n]$ and $y_h[n]$ found in this way are identical to the forced response and the natural response, respectively, as shown in $(4)$ and - implicitly - in $(2)$.