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Can we prefexdo cyclic prefix with zerozeros in ofdmOFDM rather than with samples from end of the ofdm symbol?

considering an ofdmOFDM symbol of x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)x(4)....x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), to. To perform cyclic prefix we prefix some samples from end of this ofdmOFDM symbol to the beginingbeginning of the ofdmOFDM symbol, like like

x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n)x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)........ x(n-4)x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n).

Instead of taking x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), if we prefix with zeroeszeros what will happen?

Can we prefex with zero in ofdm rather than with samples from end of the ofdm symbol?

considering an ofdm symbol of x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)x(4)....x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), to perform cyclic prefix we prefix some samples from end of this ofdm symbol to the begining of the ofdm symbol, like x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n)x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)........ x(n-4)x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n).

Instead of taking x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), if we prefix with zeroes what will happen?

Can we do cyclic prefix with zeros in OFDM rather than with samples from end of the ofdm symbol?

considering an OFDM symbol of x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)x(4)....x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n). To perform cyclic prefix we prefix some samples from end of this OFDM symbol to the beginning of the OFDM symbol, like

x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n)x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)........ x(n-4)x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n).

Instead of taking x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), if we prefix with zeros what will happen?

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Can we prefex with zero in ofdm rather than with samples from end of the ofdm symbol?

considering an ofdm symbol of x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)x(4)....x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), to perform cyclic prefix we prefix some samples from end of this ofdm symbol to the begining of the ofdm symbol, like x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n)x(0)x(1)x(2)x(3)........ x(n-4)x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n).

Instead of taking x(n-3)x(n-2)x(n-1)x(n), if we prefix with zeroes what will happen?