Here is a better answer (than the one I gave abovebefore) based on properly scaled Fourier transformations where basis vectors are normalized to length 1.
Noise, a normal distribution of a random variable, has the following variance, based on for variance of a linear combination with no correlation, applies to both the Fourier transformation and it's inverse
$$ {Var}\left(\sum _{{i=1}}^{{N}}a_{i}X_{i}\right) = \sum _{{i=1}}^{{N}}a_{i}^{2}\operatorname {Var}(X_{i}) $$
The same variance for all Xi means $$ {Var}\left(\sum _{{i=1}}^{{N}}a_{i}X_{i}\right) = \sum _{{i=1}}^{{N}}a_{i}^{2}\operatorname {Var}(X) = \left(\sum _{{i=1}}^{{N}}a_{i}^{2}\right)\operatorname {Var}(X) $$
Example 1
The first row DC basis vector in a even Fourier transform
$$ \left(\frac{1}{\sqrt N } , \frac{1}{\sqrt N } , \frac{1}{\sqrt N } , ... \right) $$
gives a variance of
$$ Var(Transform) = N \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt N } \right)^2 Var(X) = Var(X) $$
Example 2
A basis vector in an even fast Fourier transform with a wavelength of 4 samples, a repeating series of
$$ \left( \sqrt{\frac{2}{N}} , 0 , -\sqrt{\frac{2}{N}} , 0 , ... \right) $$
This is the basis vector with most zero elements, every second. The variance becomes
$$ Var(Transform) = \frac{N}{2} \left( \sqrt{\frac{2}{N}} \right)^2 Var(X) = Var(X) $$
So variance, and thus standard deviation, is independent of basis vectors and zero elements. But what happens to the signal, the expected value? Maybe someone else can show that?